Thursday, June 2, 2011


Coming up with a title for this blog was hard - I'm much better at math than thinking up catchy phrases!  My title was inspired by the stories that my dad used to tell when I was little.  My parents read us tons of books and told us bunches of stories growing up, that's probably part of why I decided to go in to library education.  When Daddy would tell stories my brothers and I always insisted that the stories include "once upon a time", "all of the sudden", and "the end".  Sometimes Daddy would tease us and just say "once upon a time all of the sudden the end" all strung together really fast and then say that the story was finished because he included those three phrases - we would get so upset that he didn't tell a "real" story!  I decided that saying would make a cute title for my blog.

1 comment:

  1. Caitlin,
    I also had trouble coming up with a title for my blog. I could have thought of one more easily if I didn't have to have one. I chose "See Mommy Blog" because it sounds like I am doing something for the first time and I am...I have created my first blog.
